MBMTC 2024 provides two days of learning and networking designed specifically for broadcast engineers, giving you the opportunity explore best practices, compliance guidance and the latest technology and equipment available.

The conference is a joint effort of state broadcasters associations from Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and features:

  • A day and a half of educational sessions for radio, TV, and IT engineers and technical staff
  • Dedicated time to explore the Exhibit Hall and check out the latest equipment
  • Opportunities to network with colleagues from four states, including a Welcome Reception for attendees and exhibitors on Wednesday evening
  • Complimentary continental breakfast, morning break and lunch in the Exhibit Hall
  • Door prize giveaways


Early bird registration rates are now available through Friday, Sept. 6.

  • OAB/IBA/KBA/MAB/PAB Member: $55 Early Bird ($70 after Sept. 6)
  • SBE/SMPTE Member: $55 Early Bird ($70 after Sept. 6)
  • Nonmember: $80 Early Bird ($95 after Sept. 6)
  • Exhibitor Showcase only: $35
  • Students: $25

Conference registration includes access to all conference sessions, the Welcome Reception on Wednesday evening, the Exhibitor Showcase, continental breakfast, lunch and parking.

Hotel Information

We have a room block available to all attendees and exhibitors at the Hampton Inn & Suites located across from the Greater Columbus Convention Center (GCCC):

Hampton Inn & Suites – 501 N High St. Columbus, OH 43215
• Room Rate: $179/night for Double Queen or King Standard, $209/night for King Suite. Rooms available for the nights of Oct. 1-4.
• Reservation Deadline: Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024.
• Reservation Instructions: Reservations can be made online with the group booking link: Make sure to select your stay dates on the booking page in order to view room availability, as shown HERE.


If you need assistance in getting around the convention center, contact the OAB’s Mariah West.

Cancellation Policy

Registration cancellations will be accepted with a full refund through Friday, Sept. 20. Cancellations after Sept. 20 will NOT be refunded. We will accept attendee substitutions until the conference on Oct. 2-3. To cancel your registration, please follow the link provided in your registration confirmation email, or contact the OAB’s Mariah West.


Contact the OAB’s Mariah West or call us at 614-228-4052 if you have any questions.


Thank you to our sponsors: